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We welcome you to become a paid member of the Tri-County Alumni Chapter. It is never too late to join. Being a paid member of the UMES Tri-County Alumni Chapter has its rewards. The Chapter is alive and well and the enthusiasm is high!
1. All local members must first join the National Alumni Association : cost $30 Local Chapter $30
Total Annual: $60. Dues can be paid through NAA or Local Chapter. If you are a life member of NAA, you will only pay $30 for your local chapter.
2. If dues are paid through Zelle, please submit your name and pertinent contact info
3. If you would like to submit payment manually, submit application and dues to:
UMES Tri-County Alumni Chapter
P.O. Box 503 Princess Anne, MD 21853
Membership in the Tri-County Alumni Chapter shall be based upon the membership year, July 1 through June 30.
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